
Bar, restaurants, clubs


food & relax

Praia is a city full of restaurant, pub and places where you can chill and relax. Cape Verdean cuisine has Portuguese influences and is based on recipes based on meat, fish, rice and beans, especially soups. Traditional Cape Verdean dishes are cachupa, carne gizado, caldeta de peixe.
People Surfing on Sea


Mambo is a seaside restaurant where you can eat typical dishes with a creative and original touch, and a lounge bar where you can attend live music concerts and themed parties, dance and have fun.

Linha D'agua

Linha D’agua is a very special place located on the beach where you can relax drinking a cocktail or enjoying a hamburger. This bar also has deckchairs and umbrellas to fully enjoy the beach.


If you’re looking for a seaside restaurant that combines Italian and Cape Verdean cuisine, Roma is the perfect place for you.

Terrazza Italia

If you want to do a real cape verdean experience you should visit the Sucupira Market, a flea market where you can make shopping and buy traditional clothes and jewellery. After shopping the perfect place close to the market where you can enjoy a very tasty italian lunch is Punto d’incontro restaurant. Pizza and meat are really good.

Plaza Park

An elegant and modern restaurant in the heart of Praia. Cape verdean and international kitchen accompanied by excellent wines await you.


Lotus is a really welcoming place where you can taste wonderful grilled meat and fish.
Capital Residence - Monte Babosa - Praia, Santiago - Cabo Verde
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